Friday, 7 December 2007


Ive had the email with Luc's new slide show and to blunty honest i dont like it, the slides are all black and white and to me it looks dull and boring.
I dont see why we can't use Salma slides, they we're all ready we just needed to put our information onto them, which she had and now you Luc have gone and made new one slides, im just confused as to why you've done this?!
We have little time left and now we have to resend all our work to him.

This is meant to be a group presentation and Luc you havent included any of us into what your doing, which i think is unfair, all our grade's depend on this presentation, i know its only worth 30% but thats still 30% i want to pass.
I think we should all discuss this, as im sure im not the only one that feels this way. I was actually shocked when i heard you wanted to redo the powerpoint slides...why did you want to do this? We all liked Salma's, ok maybe you didnt but all you had to say was, you "didnt like this or that" and we could have worked it out, without making a completely new slide show and having to redo all the information.

Please leave comments



Salma said...

Hi Aimee. Ah, bliss. Someone with her head screwed on. Can I marry you? Haha. No, er, seriously. To the point: Luc, I do agree, it was quite selfish and unfair of you to edit the entire thing (not to mention assume you were right) without any regard for the other group members. You just assumed you were right and (insultingly) recreated the entire Power Point.

The fact slide I wrote contained some word for word information because FACTS are SUPPOSED to be as accurate as possible - what better way to illustrate this than to directly quote - and then reference??!! You're supposed to do that with factual stuff, the lecturers always encourage me to never paraphrase facts because of the risks; such as taking the information out of context or misinterpretation!

We need to meet up at some point before the presentation guys, can any of you make it on Monday afternoon or something? We need to discuss this in person and come to an arrangement because everything's just confusing and unprepared now thanks to a certain comrade! What do you lot think????

Aimee said...

Monday works for me, Guys we really need to sort this out! Salma's sent you all a copy of what luc sent her and to be honest what we wrote was rude!